提高计算机科学 & 质量


自1999年以来, 娱乐大发澳门赌博平台非常重视客户的满意度,因此实行了客户满意度(CS)管理.
Recognizing that both customer satisfaction and quality are inseparable, we have engaged in CS & 质量 management since 2004 in a bid to consistently deliver sufficient value to our customers, ensuring they will continually select our Group’s products and services.
十大赌博娱乐平台的口号是顾客反馈是十大赌博娱乐平台生产活动的根本, 十大赌博娱乐平台正在积极提高员工的素质。, 十大赌博娱乐平台建筑的质量, 以及十大赌博娱乐平台产品和服务的质量. 以这种方式, the Group is working in unison to consistently deliver the quality that is always approved by customers.
根据目前的中期管理计划, SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group has worked diligently to advance the three initiatives outlined in its roadmap. 具体来说, these three initiatives are to minimize quality-related compliance risks, 保持和加强解决CS问题的能力 & 质量问题,并对CS进行改革 & 高质量的平台. 前进, 十大赌博娱乐平台已经确定有必要在下一个中期管理计划中尽量减少与一祖菌有关的风险,并加强一祖菌基础. 相应的, 利用数字化转型增强数据稳健性, 转换CS上的信息 & 品质成知识,发展海外CS & 质量 human resources, and establish a global quality management system (QMS).

  • 15-01

娱乐大发澳门赌博平台的CS & 质量管理循环图

  • 15-02


  • 15-04

CS路线图 & 质量 Management Initiatives in the current Medium-term Management Plan


建立CS & 向可持续发展委员会负责的质量小组委员会

十大赌博娱乐平台有一个CS & 质量 Subcommittee, which reports to the Company’s Sustainability Committee. 可持续发展委员会和政务司司长 & 质量 Subcommittee meet twice a year to deliberate on matters relating to CS & 质量. 在2022财年,CS & 质量 Subcommittee meetings were held twice, in October and March.

  • 15-03

CS & 品质管理及提升制度




In order to enhance our efforts to collect and apply customers’ voices, 自2021财年以来,十大赌博娱乐平台进行了培训,使每个业务的负责人能够获得和应用设计和分析问卷的方法.
2022财年, 十大赌博娱乐平台在2021财年将培训范围从质量保证部门扩大到销售部门, 发展, and various other occupations in an effort to improve questionnaire design and analysis skills.


Improving Telephone Communication Skills of SEKISUI CHEMICAL Customer Consultation Office

十大赌博娱乐平台努力提高SEKISUI化工集团客户咨询处每位员工的客户服务技能,使十大赌博娱乐平台能够充分利用客户的声音作为管理的一部分. 2022财年, 根据电话沟通技巧测试结果中指出的需要修改的地方,十大赌博娱乐平台继续致力于改进业务运营.

Implementing Telephone Communication Training for Employees in Each Group Division

作为努力提高客户满意度的一部分, the Customer Consultation Office has been offering telephone communication training, where the office’s staff members become instructors and train other departments.
2022财年, we provided online training, for example, to the three divisional companies. 该在线培训将先前通过视频材料进行的学习与基于实际情况的远程角色扮演相结合. In addition, we continued to implement business e-mail e-learning training programs.


CS & 质量研讨会

旨在提高对CS的认识 & 质量、计算机科学 & 质量研讨会 consist of in-house lectures held by invited outside experts on a wide variety of themes, 包括客户满意度相关案例, as well as organization building and human resources 发展 for delivering customer satisfaction.
A total of 62 seminars have been held up to the end of fiscal 2021 since 2001.
2022财年, 十大赌博娱乐平台举办了组织转型和领导力等主题研讨会,重点关注新冠肺炎大流行给组织和个人带来的变化.

  • 15-06
  • 15-07
  • “The Reasons We Can Transform Organizations: Changing Teams Starting from a Five Meter Radius”

  • “领导力需要提高”
    HOSEI University, Business School of Innovation Management, Professor

STAR 55通讯

自2002年庆祝成立55周年以来, 娱乐大发澳门赌博平台实施了STAR 55活动,作为在整个公司推广CS的计划. 以确保这些活动保持其势头, 2006年,十大赌博娱乐平台开始出版STAR 55公报, 一个通讯汇编优秀的案例研究CS & 来自娱乐大发澳门赌博平台的质量. 十大赌博娱乐平台在2021财年末出版了第47期.
STAR 55公报在2022财年发布了两次, 一次在九月,一次在三月, 和有盖CS & 日本各地工厂的质量活动.

  • 15-10
  • 15-11
  • ●STAR 55号公告. 48

  • ●STAR 55号公告. 49

  • 注意:
    名称的由来:STAR 55公报
    S = Sekisui
    T =信任
    A =行动
    R =转
    STAR =领袖,55 = 55周年纪念

STAR 55的名称表达了一种承诺,即娱乐大发澳门赌博平台(S)的所有员工将通过他们的行动(A)赢得客户的信任(T),整个集团将在其企业文化和性格方面引发一场革命(R), while fostering the desire for each employee to take a leading role (be a STAR) in their work.


SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group’s Customer Consultation Office receives around 7,000 to 10,每年有1000条咨询和评论. 十大赌博娱乐平台直接回答这些询问,并首先分析促使客户提出询问的因素, 以发现客户隐藏的需求.
的声音是十大赌博娱乐平台在2015财年发布的年度公报. 这份出版物, 哪一本一年出版一次, 收集顾客谘询处所收到的意见,以发展顾客服务的企业文化 & 提高全体员工的素质,并在个人职责范围之外促进对集团业务的理解.
2022财年, we published case study interviews showcasing products and services developed by each divisional company, 根据客户的反馈. In order to ensure as many employees as possible can view these interviews, we published them on the intranet in consideration of those engaged in remote work.

  • 15-08


娱乐大发澳门赌博平台的住宅公司对建造了SEKISUI Heim住宅的客户进行了CS调查. 客户的反馈在整个公司广泛分享,并用于产品开发和改善集团的服务质量. 详细评估客户不满意的细节, 并采取措施,以确保解决提高满意度. 2022财年, customers who responded that they were very satisfied reached 83%.

Follow-up Activities for the Self-declaration for Consumer-oriented Management

本公司支持消费者事务局推行消费者导向管理的倡议. Reflecting this support, we made a self-declaration for consumer-oriented management*, expressing our philosophy and plans for initiatives, in January 2017.

  • 一种承诺,通过这种承诺,公司宣布他们致力于从事以消费者为导向的管理, 根据他们的声明采取行动, 并通过披露倡议的结果来跟进.
  • 15-05

Activities Based on the Self-declaration for Consumer-oriented Management

Mindful that customer opinions are a valuable resource for management, our CS & 质量管理的原则是客户反馈是十大赌博娱乐平台生产活动的根本,并专注于积极追求员工质量的创新, 十大赌博娱乐平台建筑的质量, 以及十大赌博娱乐平台产品的质量. 十大赌博娱乐平台的目标是通过不断为客户和社会提供新的价值,为实现无忧和繁荣的社会做出贡献.

1. 确保基本素质

十大赌博娱乐平台建立了一个质量保证体系,从产品开发阶段延伸到包括设计在内的所有过程, 制造业, 和销售, 并在推行设计和开发管理及日常管理活动的同时,建立了质量保证体系.
Group companies in Japan and overseas are developing and promoting Group KAIZEN Activities, 每个工作场所的员工组成小组,讨论各种主题,如提高质量和生产力.

2. 创造有吸引力的品质

十大赌博娱乐平台持有CS & 质量研讨会每年两次,介绍内部专家和案例研究,为创造有吸引力的质量提供提示. 此外, 十大赌博娱乐平台也觉得STAR 55公报和的声音, 哪些涵盖了娱乐大发澳门赌博平台内部的案例研究, 也有助于创造有吸引力的品质.

3. 提升技术能力

We are also effectively utilizing our quality management systems (QMS) with a process approach mindset. 特别是对于内部审计, we are promoting activities aimed at increasing the use of the SPMC (Sekisui Process Management Chart), 内部评估工具.

4. 加强沟通

We publish and distribute STAR 55通讯, which covers excellent CS & 质量 case studies from each business within SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group, 和的声音小册子, which summarizes customer inquiries gathered by the Customer Consultation Office, 发给所有集团员工.

5. 提供全面的员工教育

十大赌博娱乐平台进行CS & 质量 training each year for new recruits as well as employees newly appointed to managerial positions. 对新员工的培训考虑了集团对CS的态度 & 质量 management as well as daily operating behavior that is conducive to customer satisfaction. Training for employees newly appointed to managerial positions considers how to achieve CS & 质量 as a department as they move into positions of responsibility.



  • 15-13
  • 客户谘询办公室收到的来电 in Fiscal 2022

指示器 计算方法
客户谘询办公室收到的来电 Number of inquiries by telephone, e-mail, letters, and other means
  • 15-15
  • 进线触点击穿(SEKISUI化学)

指示器 计算方法
接点故障 Incoming contacts are recorded on Insider Net and categorized as follows:
  • General inquiries: Questions about SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group product specifications, 如何使用产品, 施工方法, 销售产品的商店, 以及维修等服务
  • 投诉和不满:客户对娱乐大发澳门赌博平台的产品或服务表示不满或提出投诉的事件
  • 赞扬:对娱乐大发澳门赌博平台的产品或服务表示满意的电话
  • 要求/期望:客户对娱乐大发澳门赌博平台产品和服务的要求(产品改进和新产品), 等.), 以及与业务活动有关的询问, 或评论对娱乐大发澳门赌博平台的期望
  • 注意:


  • 15-19
  • CS问卷七步评估(房屋公司)